Wednesday 5 June 2013

La Vie en Bleu 2013

Here are some of the picks from this years La vie en Bleu Bugatti club hill climb at the Prescott track.

I'm really happy with the Canon 5DMk3, it's ability to track motion and fine tune auto-focus options is miles ahead of anything I've used in the past and to be honest the 6FPS is more than adequate for my needs.

The combination of the 5DMk3 and the 24-105L makes for a versatile and extremely piece of pro kit, with the lens giving more then enough speed and stability to be hand held.

one thing that really struck me was not how good a full frame DSLR is (it is though) but how much I missed a 100% accuracy viewfinder, it makes a huge difference.

I really enjoyed shooting the event and was a baptism of fire - of sorts as it combined a new camera with a new subject (fast moving cars), I was really surprised by the amount of Pro's who from what I could make out were just after a visual record of the event and were capturing shots at a few hundred of a sec on iso-really flipping high, at no point did I see anyone else attempt a pan shot?

I was recommended by the light meter to shoot up to a 1000sec at F11 on iso100, it was a really nice sunny day so I ignored that dropped the iso to 50 and shot at anything from 30th-100sec at F16-22 which would give me enough time to pan the sot and get some background blur to give a sense of motion to the images instead of the static might as well be shot in a carpark image.

hopefully next year I can bag a press pass to the event.

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