Thursday 30 May 2013

The 5D Mk3 has arrived

5DMk3 - first impressions are that it's stupid good, the best camera I've ever used and I've tackled about 5% of its stills features.

The auto-focus is ridiculously fast and accurate and the only thing slowing it down is me hesitating that it has not yet locked on. I'm really liking the various in camera HDR stuff and multiple exposure shooting as well.

Other good bits so far include the battery has held up for around 1500 shots on a single charge (two bars left) and another 500 or so shots left on the 16gb SD card, have an old 2gb card in the CF slot for spill over which should be good for another 300 or so JPEGS.

Not looked at any of the shots on the PC yet but I imagine they are going to be pretty impressive. IS on the 24-105L is fantastic and I'm getting pretty usable sharp stuff at 1/5th of a sec.

The camera body itself could easily be used by any self respecting murder to bludgeon a victim and then happily snap away at the results of his handy work and if you turn on all the focus points or use the A+ setting it changes the display on the screen to look like a sanitary towel(with wings) and that's just brilliant

I can see that this camera and I are going to be good friends for a long time.

Below are two uninspiring shots taken today while messing around with various settings and focus points etc - enjoy

F11, 160th, iso320, window light RAW conversion (James Bond & The Man from Uncle)

F10, 120th, iso125, window light JPEG large (Fuji X100)

F5.6, 160th, iso320 window light late afternoon (my desk)

F4, 125sec, 800iso, Tyre Stickers at a local garage

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