Saturday 15 June 2013


I went to Penarth today to some landscape type stuff, I found it an utterly uninspiring place to go and it was windier than a fat man on a baked bean diet.

I understand that other people might love it but I just don't, the only thing I remember about the place with any fondness was the 1960's style arcade they had, but that's been knocked down to make room for apartments.

It used to have this arcade:

Yeah I know pretty, but when your a kid it was dry and you could play games

These days it's a couple of very overrated restaurants  (I've eaten in them they are O.K at best) with the usual uninterested student service indicative of the UK, a lifeboat station and a derelict pier that's being turned into yet another arts center. and what Cardiff and it's surrounding areas does need is another bloody 'arts' center.

I made this postcard to celebrate my day out:

I've not really got much more to say about it now, apart from the fact that the grass really is greener when it comes to Penarth or should that be the sea is bluer?

Here are some crap photos from my adventure:

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