Wednesday 24 July 2013

550D is not well today

Well after eulogising about my filming setup with the 5DmK3 and the 550D today I had a bit of a crappy time with the 550D.

I've not shot a massive amount with the camera and without checking I imagine that the shutter count is around 5000 or so.

Going around the garden shooting some video for some more practice with the 1.8 50mm and a cheapo ND filter the camera locked up and the SD card light was on all the time, I had to remove the battery and switch it all off and on again to get it working.

A quick look on the forums and it looked like a terminal shutter failure requiring an expensive Canon rebuild costing as much as the camera! - but hark wait a mo whats this..... with the kind of mental muscle flexing and cold deduction that Sherlock Holmes would be happy with I decided to not freak out and take it step by step.

Now on my 550D I use an eBay battery grip and an eBay second battery, and it looks like the unit is not reporting the battery depletion?? so out came the battery grip and the clone battery and into the charger went the original and after about 10 mins of charge to get some juice in it I gave it another go sans grip and hey presto, bob's your uncle, fanny's your aunt and so on - it seems to be working again.

hopefully that's the issue dealt with and everything will be fine if there is a bile fulled follow up or not only time will tell.

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