
Hi, this is my blog portfolio a blogolio if you will

Please feel free to take a look around and leave a comment or follow me etc (but not in a weird find you hanging around my bins at 3 in the morning kind of way)

Click on any image in the gallery for a larger view

The photos up so far span a load of work from over a period of about ten years, it's not in any particular order and is a mix of film & digital - keep an eye out for updates and additions

If you would like to email me or order a print/use of an image then please use the contact link

All images are copyright Rich Wood and may not be used without permission



  1. Six new Formula 1 photos edited/added before lunch, I'll keep going.....

  2. Lots of photos of comedians,music gigs, portraits etc on here as well - lots more to come too.

    Hope you all like the images send me an Facebook request or follow this blog to let me know your out there and I'm not just talking to myself :)
